6 Things to Do If You Lose Your Keys (and How Keyless Entry Can Help) |  Vivint

If you have lost your car key, it is important to have it replaced immediately. There are several things that you need to know about the process before you head down to the auto parts store.

The first thing that you should do is make sure that your car key will fit into the ignition of your vehicle. If it does not fit, then you need a new one that will fit properly.

You also want to make sure that the lock is working properly. Check out the outside of your door and check for any damage or signs of tampering.

You also need to make sure that there are no problems with the battery in your vehicle, as well as with any other electrical components inside of it.

If all this checks out fine, then head down to an auto parts store and tell them exactly what has happened so far and what needs fixing now.

There are times when you just need to get your car key replaced. Maybe you lost yours while it was in your pocket and now you’re a few miles from home, or maybe you locked your keys in the car and now you can’t get inside. Whatever the case may be, here are some things to know about getting a new key made:

1- Know the type of car key that you have.

2- Find out if your car key is locked or unlocked.

3- Find out if the battery in your car is dead or not.

4- Check the security of your vehicle lock system.

Lost Car Keys and No Spare: What to Do in this Situation? - Car Keys  Replacement

The first step in replacing a car key is finding the right one for your vehicle. You should make sure that there is no damage to the key ring or any other parts of the key that could hamper its function when inserted into your lock. If there are any issues with the lock mechanism itself, then you may need to replace that part before proceeding with the replacement process.

Once you have found the right replacement key ring and inserted it into your ignition lock cylinder, try turning it on by hand. This will ensure that everything is working properly before attempting further repairs or replacements. If everything checks out, then you can begin looking for an appropriate way to remove and install your new key in place of its original one.

Ask for a copy of your old key.  You’ll need this if you want to get the new one programmed into your car’s electronic system.  The dealer will usually have this for you, but sometimes they won’t have a copy of your original key so make sure to ask for one before signing any paperwork.

Get some help from friends or family members who already own vehicles with similar make and model cars as yours.  They can help guide you through the process of getting a new key made at an auto locksmith shop or dealership near them so they can verify that it fits properly before having it cut and programmed into their vehicles’ systems (and vice versa). Contact us if you lost Ford car key.